iPhone 3GS running iOS 4 gets iMovie Unofficially

When Apple announced iMovie, it was released as an iPhone 4 only application. If trying to install the official version on the the iPhone 3GS or any other iOS 4 (other than the iPhone 4) device it simply doesn’t work.
If you have a jailbroken iPhone 3GS though, you can now actually get it to run by making a modification to the info.plist file. There are two changes that can be made to get it working on a 3GS. The first is to make a change to the front facing camera and simply set it to false. This allows it to work on iOS 4 on the 3GS. The other option to get it working on iOS 3 is to change the minimum system version to 3.0.0 which also forces it to work.
According to those who have tried it appears that it works fine despite the lower amount of RAM available. Something to note is that it does not work on the iPad if making these modifications which could be related to having no camera at all possibly.
Redmondpie did have some files you could use to make the modifications your self, but have since removed them due to Apple not allowing such files to be made available online.
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